Next.js Blog Starter with App Router, MDX, Tailwind CSS

Next.js Blog Starter with App Router, MDX, Tailwind CSS

Hey Everyone!

This template was just updated on August 22, 2023. It now uses the new Next.js App Router and serves up blog content using Contentlayer.

I just made a new website starter for Next.js, built with TypeScript, MDX, and Tailwind CSS. It should serve as a nice starting point for a personal blog or website.

Check out the demo

To get started:

git clone
cd nextjs-typescript-mdx-blog

yarn install
# or
npm install

yarn dev
# or
npm run dev

Your development site will be up at localhost:3000

Blog posts can be added to the posts directory, in the root folder.

Update the WEBSITE_HOST_URL when taking your site live. This lives in /src/lib/constants.ts

Make sure to update the sitemap.ts file, specifically the const routes if you add more pages to the website.